Hendon Park

Queens Road
United Kingdom


General description

Hendon Park is a pleasant, Edwardian park opened in 1903. It provides an oasis of calm in an otherwise congested area. The landscape has an established feel with a good collection of mature trees from the original planting, including a grand Acer palmatum, which is one of the largest in Greater London. There are a wide range of facilities including tennis courts and football pitches, basket ball and a large play area. A well kept memorial garden provides a quiet oasis for use by all sections of the community. The Children's Millennium Wood planted in 2000 is a native tree and grassland area providing contact with nature for park users. Recent refurbishment works following 'Premier Park' status and the full time Park Keeper all contribute to a clean well maintained site. Sixty percent of users questioned said the park has improved in the last twelve months. The local community are involved in tree planting schemes and developing the play area. There is a range of events that take place each year including tennis coaching, funfairs and a holocaust memorial service Hendon Park contains infrastructure and natural features of a high standard and the park contributes to the quality of life for those using it.

As well there is the Kosher Hendon Cafe which you can eat Sandwiches ,Fish etc.
Its maybe nice to walk arround and get some fresh air.

Other information

Type(s): Park, Restaurant

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


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