Jerusalem grill bar

1740 South Winchester Boulevard
San Jose
United States

General description

Jerusalem grill & bar is a new restaurant serving the greater Bay Area.
We are proud to bring the taste of Israel to Northern California.

Our menu offers a variety of food from grill entrees like Shuwarma, baby lamb chops, sizzling steaks and baby chicken to home made entrees like stuffed chicken breast, meatballs, couscous and more.

We are a Glatt Kosher restaurant supervised by Vaad Hakashrus of Northern California, specializing in Israeli & Middle Eastern food and we use only the finest meat and produce.

We are located in a convenient location in Campbell and our new facility offers a clean and Spacious environment with lots of free parking.
We are also offering a variety of beer and wine selection with a full bar to follow soon.

Our goal is to provide a clean and kosher environment combined with our signature mouthwatering entrees and excellent customer service.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Restaurant

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 50 Dollars.


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