Quiet Waters Park

600 Quiet Waters Park Road
MD 21403
United States


General description

Nestled between the South River and Harness Creek, Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis offers a wide variety of activities. Visitors can walk, jog, or bike on over 6 miles of paved trails winding through hardwood forests and past grassy fields, play at the multi-level children’s playground, enjoy the vistas of the South River promenade and scenic overlook, or picnic among 340 acres of beautiful park land.
The park’s Visitor Center includes formal gardens, art galleries and public restrooms. Pavilions can be rented for large outdoor parties and cook-outs. The park’s indoor facility, Blue Heron Center is available for weddings, parties, and business meetings.
Boating opportunities are available seasonally. See the Cartop Boat Launch Site Guide for more information.
Saturday, November 14, 2009 kicks off the skating season at Quiet Waters Park. The ice rink is located in front of the park's Visitor Center and offers a pleasant and safe environment to enjoy ice-skating in the outdoors. Park admission and fees apply.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Park, Lake

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Dollars.


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