Talia's Steakhouse & Bar

668 Amsterdam Avenue
New York
United States


General description

Talia's Steakhouse & Bar is one of the best glatt kosher restaurants for singles. Talia’s Steakhouse has been, for the last eight years, the optimal destination for dating. It’s a cozy and warm spot with lit candles and fresh red roses on each table. In additional, Talia's has mellow live music (but not during the three weeks) indoor and outdoor. It is also the spot for late dinners since the kitchen closes at midnight. Moreover, the menu prices are very affordable: 4 prix-fixe, recession menu: $13, $22, $28, $39 option. Talia's has the perfect dessert for two: chocolate souffle or creamy parve chocolate fondue with fresh fruit. Talia's is one of the few glatt kosher restaurant on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that opens one hour after Shabbat even during the summer (open until 4:00 AM). If you want to impress your date and you have extra cash, try the prime rib for two. It is amazing.

Other information

Type(s): Restaurant

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Dollars.


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