New England Aquarium

1 Central Wharf
MA 02110
United States

General description

The New England Aquarium, in Boston, Massachusetts, is one of the most prominent and popular public aquariums in the United States. Founded in 1969 on the city's waterfront, it is considered one of the first modern public aquariums and is credited with revolutionizing the modern aquarium experience for visitors through its emphasis on a more natural setting for aquatic life. With a mission “to present, promote and protect the world of water,” it remains one of the few such institutions with commitments to research and conservation as well as education and entertainment. In addition to the main aquarium building, attractions at the New England Aquarium include the Simons IMAX Theatre and the New England Aquarium Whale Watch, which operates from April through October. More than 1.5 million people visit the aquarium and theatre each year.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Seaside, Zoo

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 45 Dollars.


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